Jakub Wozny (2014114) Jakub Wozny

Photography Business Web Service

Project Abstract

With the increasing demand for websites and mobile applications, the development of robust and scalable web and mobile applications presents numerous challenges, from providing well-designed user interfaces to implementing features that enhance user experience. As the project is deployed and grows in complexity, the need for automation and streamlined workflows becomes vital for the improvement of development processes. This project aims to address these challenges by exploring the domains of web and mobile application development, alongside the implementation of DevOps practices.The project?��s primary focus lies in implementing a web and mobile application serving as a photographer?��s portfolio and a service management tool ensuring smooth communication between the photographer and the customers. Using the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud provider and automation tools like Jenkins, we aim to streamline the deployment process and improve overall project efficiency and scalability. We automate the provisioning of cloud resources required for hosting the web application by utilizing the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool called Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Moreover, testing, building, and deploying the application is automated via a pipeline set up in the Jenkins automation server.The project?��s outputs and deliverables include a web application featuring innovative service management, seamlessly integrated with Jenkins automation server for Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CD/CD) workflow. Additionally, the project encompasses the development of a mobile application tailored for photographers, providing service look-up/alteration functionalities for service management on the go. Through evaluation, the project uncovers insights into the shortcomings and incompatibilities of certain technologies and shares the findings of using AWS services and ideas for cost optimisation. Ultimately, the project seeks to contribute to the various software development sectors by giving a reflection on using static typing tools and global state management tools for web development, the importance and insights of testing and reflections on how Jenkins can be used for automation.

Keywords: DevOps, Web service, Mobile app


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 35

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Neal Harman, Markus Roggenbach

Course: BSc Software Engineering FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up