Jack Donohoe (2014746) Jack Donohoe

Development of a Sports League Management Web Application

Project Abstract

In the world of non-league sports there still exists league administrators who do not utilise technology that streamlines their efforts. My project offers a solution that provides administrators with the tools to create and manage their own sports league securely with minimal effort. A combination of different industry-standard web technologies are used to build the frontend and backend of the application. The project delivers on its expected outcomes and can certainly be used in the context of sports league management. The application allows administrators to create, read, update and delete records with ease while other aspects such as fixture scheduling and league table updates are made automatically.

Keywords: Web Application Development, Admin System, Sports League Management


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 37

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Solmaz Safari, Markus Roggenbach

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies