Hussein Ahmad Rahal El-Sous (2340954) Hussein Ahmad Rahal El-Sous

Creating a system for secure and secret voting using smart contracts in the cryptocurrency Ethereum

Project Abstract

Abstract:In today’s digital age, maintaining the legitimacy and trustworthiness of democraticpractices requires that voting procedures be kept secure and honest. This abstractdescribes a new method for achieving safe and secure online voting by utilizingSolidity, a programming language that is mainly used for developing smartcontracts on blockchain systems like Ethereum, to create a website-based system.The suggested approach makes use of blockchain technology’s immutability andtransparency to offer a reliable setting for holding elections. The technologyguarantees that every vote is safely recorded on the blockchain, preventingtampering and unauthorized adjustments, by utilizing Solidity smart contracts.Furthermore, to ensure the privacy and validity of voter identities and choices,cryptographic techniques like hashing and digital signatures are used.In addition, the website’s user-friendly layout makes it easy for voters to castvotes from any internet-connected device while upholding the strictest security andprivacy regulations. Encryption protocols and strong authentication mechanismsare included into the system to guard important voter data and stop unwantedaccess.Overall, the suggested safe and secure voting system offers a dependable remedyto frequent vulnerabilities connected to conventional voting procedures, marking asubstantial advancement in the field of online elections. Through the utilization ofblockchain and Solidity, this system has the capacity to transform democracy andguarantee voting procedures are transparent, equitable, and reliable.

Keywords: Voting, Blockchain, Solidity


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 24 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: College 017 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Fabio Caraffini, Nader Al Khatib (GTA)

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work