Hubert Matras (1912355) Hubert Matras

Football League Management Web Application for 5 A-side

Project Abstract

This application will address the need for a centralised platform to connect players, teams, and league organisers. Because of that, players can utilise the application to discover local leagues, find teams seeking members, or identify opponents for a friendly match. Whereas league organisers can use this platform to create and manage a local league, and find teams to fill out their newly created league. After having this project in mind for almost two years, I finally managed to make it come to life. By using the software that is available to the community today, I?��ve built a web application that is focused on the biggest sports community in the World, which is football. My main motivation behind this web application is to allow local communities to collaborate with each other through football, which is the main idea of how this web application differentiates from the other applications available today. In conclusion, this application aims to enhance the efficiency and organisation of a 5-a-side football ecosystem for a local community of passionate football players of any ability

Keywords: Web Application, Full stack development, ReactJS, NodeJS


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 14

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Amjad Amjad, Fernando Maestre Avila

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up