Hrishikesh Chavan (2228439) Hrishikesh Chavan

Smart Contracts for Tracing Organic Food

Project Abstract

This explores the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to develop innovative solutions for improving logistics management, with a specific focus on enhancing transparency, traceability, and trust in organic food supply chains. The traditional logistics industry faces numerous challenges, including a lack of visibility, inefficient data sharing. Smart contracts, which are self-executing digital agreements on the blockchain, present a promising solution to address these issues.The project aims to design and implement Solidity-based smart contracts tailored for the logistics industry, incorporating features such as shipment tracking, inventory monitoring, and product authentication. A thorough literature review examines existing research on smart contract applications in logistics, identifies key requirements, and incorporates best practices for secure smart contract design.Recognizing the growing demand for organic food products and the associated concerns regarding authenticity and transparency, the report emphasizes the potential of smart contracts to revolutionize organic food supply chains. By recording a product’s entire journey from farm to consumer on the blockchain, smart contracts enable real-time visibility, traceability, and assurity of organic certification, fostering trust among customers.The methodology involves defining project requirements, selecting appropriate development tools (e.g., Remix IDE, Solidity), implementing and testing smart contracts locally, integrating with front-end applications, and deploying to the Ethereum network. The Agile development approach is proposed, facilitating iterative development, and continuous improvement to adapt to evolving industry needs.Ultimately, the smart contract solutions developed in this project aim to streamline logistics operations, optimize inventory management, enhance quality assurance, and empower consumers with transparent information about the authenticity and provenance of organic products. The findings highlight the potential of smart contracts to drive innovation and establish secure, efficient, and sustainable logistics management practices in the organic food industry and beyond.

Keywords: Blockchain, Smart Contract, Security


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 6 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: GH014 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jay Morgan, Trang Doan

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work