Hamad Mohammed Al-Mutawah (2122983) Hamad Mohammed Al-Mutawah

Web Application – Novel Lab Sign-off and Queue System

Project Abstract

This research focuses on the importance of implementing a real time interaction system, in web applications specifically emphasizing the management of user requests in a Laravel PHP framework setting. The motivation behind this research is the growing need for swiftly responsive web platforms that can efficiently process real time data while ensuring security. The primary objective of this project is to enhance the handling and response mechanism for user requests ultimately improving both user satisfaction and system performance.To achieve this goal the study utilizes Laravels built in functionalities to create a dynamic system for managing requests. The project aims to eliminate page reloads to reduce response times and enhance overall application efficiency. Leveraging Livewire interactions is essential for instant validations and updates without page reloads.The key discoveries are that integrating Livewire with Laravel not only simplifies the development of interfaces but also substantially enhances application responsiveness. Significant outcomes include decreased server load and quicker rendering times which collectively contribute to an user experience. The project successfully showcases how seamlessly Laravel and Livewire can be combined to handle user interactions in time. The findings of this research emphasize a progress, in web development methods for applications created using Laravel. Through the use of Livewire this adds value to the industry by demonstrating a hands on approach to managing real time data that’s flexible and customizable for web application scenarios.

Keywords: Web Application, Queue System, Real Time Updates


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 104

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Randell Gaya, Manlio Valenti

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up