GURAVAIAH Panuganti (2343052) GURAVAIAH Panuganti

A white box testing tool

Project Abstract

The goal of white box testing is to ensure software quality, reliability, and security. White box testing?��also called structural or glass box testing?��analyses software programs’ internal structures to verify code logic, find bugs, and evaluate code coverage. White box testing tools address numerous software development and quality assurance goals and issues.In the ever-changing software development market, application robustness and reliability are crucial. Black box testing may not reveal enough about software systems. Developers and testers can review source code, uncover vulnerabilities, and maximize code quality with white box testing tools. These tools use software engineering and computer science methods including code analysis, static code review, and code instrumentation to aid testing and debugging.Motivation: The white box testing tool project aims to improve software quality, accelerate development cycles, and reduce defects-related risks. These powerful and user-friendly tools for code structure and behavior analysis help developers and testers find and fix issues early in the development lifecycle, reducing the likelihood of critical bugs and vulnerabilities entering production. White box testing tools also promote excellent software engineering and continuous improvement by establishing robust software development methods.

Keywords: White box testing, Code analysis,


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 23 at Presentation Slot 3

Location: College 127 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Eike Neumann, Julian Hough

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement