Gracjan Golebiewski (2018590) Gracjan Golebiewski

Game developing for Alzheimer’s disease

Project Abstract

Alzheimer?��s disease is the most common cause of memory impairment. It is a neurodegenerative disorder which affects the cognitive and behavioural aspects of the brain. In year 2023, more than 55 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer?��s disease or dementia. This number is predicted to continue growing, and it is estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more than 100 million people affected by Alzheimer?��s disease. After many years of extensive research, there is still no known cure for Alzheimer?��s disease or dementia. This project attempts to find a possible solution for slowing down Alzheimer?��s disease progression, or to stop the development completely, using mobile application which incorporates Reminiscence Therapy ideology. To find a possible answer to this question, extensive testing must be done, and results must be carefully analysed, as we look for improvements in users?�� long-term or short-term memory. For this purpose, a mobile application which asks the participants to answer multiple questions regarding their past experiences shown via selected images by their carers has been developed, which tracks the time needed to complete each set of questions, as well as the number of correctly answered questions. From this study, I have found out that although the results in terms of time taken to complete the tasks have decreased at the start of using the application, they have continued to be around a similar time upon further testing.

Keywords: Mobile Application Development, Human Computer Interaction, Reminiscence Therapy


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 60

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Hassan Eshkiki, Arnold Beckmann

Course: MSci Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies