Ghaith Alajmi (2145404) Ghaith Alajmi

Event Managment

Project Abstract

Catering the evolving needs of event management in this day and age has become a hassle. There?��s been a lot of growth in virtual and physical events in the past few years that has changed the management process of events with involvement of multiple stakeholders. This increase in events has led to the development of a digital platform where both physical and virtual events will be catered. The project will be a modern web application designed for interface simplicity, responsiveness, security, and scalability.The research for this project emphasizes the adoption of the project based on the changing needs of today?��s users. This research can help in the development of other event management applications in the future. This project will be a proof of concept for those who seek to change the dynamics of the event management process in the digital world.The project is built on modern web technologies and design principles that offer responsiveness, security, and scalability. ?��Event Management?�� offers a very comprehensive yet user-friendly interface to carry out different tasks of management processes, such as event creation, management, and scheduling. This project offers a vast number of features without compromising the security of the project. ?��Event Management?�� has the potential to change the event management industry that is yet to be automated and digitalized. The project can help accomplish this quickly and comprehensively. The project will end the gap between the workflow and management of traditional and�?virtual�?events.

Keywords: Web development, managment, daily life organizer


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 125

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Solmaz Safari, Jay Morgan

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up