Georgie Howarth (2110370) Georgie Howarth

Memory Aids App for Dementia

Project Abstract

Dementia is a problem that is becoming more prominent in today’s world. With people living to a longer age, and an ageing population in most countries, dementia diagnosis rates are only expected to go upward. To deal with this increase, a lot of research has been looking into integrating mobile apps and technology with dementia patients. The idea is to stimulate a patient’s long-term memory. However, a lot of current apps that are out there either cost too much money or lack personalization. This app aims to provide an app that can help those who suffer from dementia and those who look after them, making it both affordable and more usable. The actual concept of the app is a quiz app, where users can upload their photos along with data to test patients on. This provides dementia patients with long-term memory stimulation, whilst keeping the photos and information relevant to them. It makes use of Kotlin, as well as Firebase for aspects such as Authentication and the database. Several libraries have also been implemented to make it function properly. This project aims to show that technology can be used alongside dementia patients to improve their quality of life.

Keywords: Mobile Application, Dementia Research,


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 89

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Hassan Eshkiki, Casey Hopkins

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work