Gainmore Daka (2008804) Gainmore Daka

Intergrating the Caesar cipher with Image steganography

Project Abstract

In today?��s digital era, ensuring the security and confidentiality of data is of the utmost importance. The Caesar cipher a simple substitution cipher, is one of the earliest forms of an encryption algorithm, however with the rapid growth of the digital age there is a need for more advanced methods of protecting data. The study builds on earlier research on improving the security of the Caesar cipher by using different cryptography and steganography techniques. By integrating the Caesar cipher with image steganography, specifically through the spread spectrum technique as an additional layer of protection, this study aims to enhance the security and integrity of data. The research begins with an extensive review of existing methods of Image steganography and principles of the Caesar cipher, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each technique. The dissertation focuses on the spread spectrum methodology and its implementation as this method offers a robust way of embedding data in images and offers greater resilience against steganalysis compared to other Image steganography techniques. Thorough Testing is conducted to evaluate the proposed method?��s performance against already existing methods of steganography and its limitations. The results of this research highlight the need to continue to develop more robust techniques for securing data and the importance of integration between steganography and cryptography. It also offers researchers great insight into the viability of integration between different techniques of securing data.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Cryptography, Steganography


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 23

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Solmaz Safari, Manlio Valenti

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work