Enzo Tobias (2117781) Enzo Tobias

Bridging LoRaWAN and industry-specific networks with a Microsoft Threat Modelling Tool based threat analysis approach

Project Abstract

This project concerns the production of a model to represent Tata Steel IoT monitoring systems, including the generation of a threat report through the use of the threat modelling program Microsoft Threat Modelling Tool (MTMT).The core of the project is the extension of Microsoft Threat Modelling Tool templates to include threats and properties related to LoRaWAN networks and LoRaWAN technologies, involving research into the technology and its vulnerabilities for the implementation of this information into a new extended template with the goal of allowing for the production of a more accurate model.This process includes researching and exploring the LoRaWAN technology and how it can be modelled appropriately within an MTMT template.The process of creating and editing templates within MTMT is evaluated and the limitations of the software discussed, including how these limitations were circumvented to produce the final template and model.The output of the extended template is compared to the output of the default template for modelling the specific Tata Steel system and their accuracy to the real system evaluated against each other.An improvement on previous threat models using MTMT was reached by the end of the project, with greater detail to model the actual systems within MTMT through the use of new threats and properties (reflected by the output of the extended template).

Keywords: Cyber Security, LoRaWAN, Threat Modeling


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 89

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Markus Roggenbach, Troy Astarte

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up