Emmanuel Nwokoro (2245430) Emmanuel Nwokoro

Game design for soft skills teaching

Project Abstract

In the labour market today, soft skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving are as valued as technical skills. Traditional teacher methods have proven ineffective for teaching soft skills and due to its innate nature, it is best learned through practice rather than rote learning. This project seeks to address this gap, especially as employers demand graduates to possess soft skills keeps soaring.The study proposes the use of a serious game “Activate”, to teach and assess soft skills by engaging learners in an interactive, game-based environment that impart soft skills relevant to career success.This study will utilise both quantitative and qualitative research methods. It will make use of empirical data collected from game sessions to assess how effective the game is in improving soft skills.Since this is a Master’s project that is still in progress, projected results will include showing how well the game helps players develop their soft skills. The study hopes to use an interactive game-based method to uncover important trends in student engagement and skill acquisition.This design aims to improve teaching techniques by showing how effective serious game designs are in teaching and assessing soft skill. It seeks to provide vital information that might influence educational approaches that could meet the soft skills demand of the labour market.

Keywords: Gamified Soft Skills Education, Interactive Soft Skills Training, Serious game design


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 21 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH022 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: C�cilia Pradic, Joe Macinnes

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work