Emma Smith (2122203) Emma Smith

Constructing a Legal Knowledge Graph of the General Data Protection Regulation

Project Abstract

A good representation of legal knowledge is critical for it to be understood and applied correctly. By making this knowledge more accessible and understandable for the public whom it concerns, it enables a better understanding of the knowledge to the general population, whilst also providing legal experts with a simple but efficient information retrieval tool. This project aims to produce a legal knowledge graph representing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to businesses, focusing on how the regulation impacts security for them and their associates. Designing this project involved many considerations ranging from the sourcing and type of knowledge it represents to the format it gets displayed; and how it can be searched and queried by members of the public on behalf of these businesses. The approach for this project involved developing a format for the types of entities and relationships of information it represents, with methods for accurate, efficient retrieval of this information. Following this, the project involved much deliberation on constructing the knowledge graph using this data and how it resolves queries. The final product of this project is an interactive knowledge graph ontology constructed of GDPR security information for businesses that can be queried and searched. It provides rapid data retrieval of updated, accurate legal knowledge. This project fills a gap in the accessibility of legal information to the general public whom it concerns and provides access to it in a user-friendly format, showing use of knowledge graphs for data modelling has the potential to upscale and expand it to cover other aspects of the law and could also target different types of clientele.

Keywords: Knowledge graph, Ontology, Data modelling


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 118

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Megan Venn-Wycherley, Joe Macinnes

Course: MSci Computer Science FI, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies