Emily Richardson (2004526) Emily Richardson

Develop a comprehensive Web Application that facilitates the scheduling and management of tennis competitions.

Project Abstract

The app will supply a user-friendly platform to view, create and participate in tournaments. It will help to streamline the organization of tournaments, create a community for players, enhancing their experience by making accessibility easier and offer data for further improvements. For the admin, it will reduce human error, make it simpler to manage the scalability of tournaments and increase the overall efficiency. Current software makes everyday tasks easier; this gives a need to replace mundane tasks that are susceptible to human error with more accurate and efficient systems. Through this efficient system users can access a streamlined experience that shapes their routines. A development environment is established through the framework Laravel, Docker Desktop and Visual Studio Code. The application will rely on the seeding of the database and various algorithms to manage the different aspects of the tournaments. It is built using The MVC Pattern, this utilizes three interconnected components to separate the backend from the frontend that is shown to the user. The three components are Model, View and Controller. The project embodies the idea that applications can bridge the gap between tedious aspects of our lives and technology.

Keywords: Web Application, Event Management, Human-Computer Interaction


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 13

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Solmaz Safari, Thomas Reitmaier

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up