Elias Hassan (2008351) Elias Hassan

The Role of Agile Methodologies in Software Engineering.

Project Abstract

The motivation for this research is rooted in the increasing demand for Agile methodologies in project management, driven by their success in creating more flexible and responsive project workflows. As businesses continue to adopt Agile practices, understanding their optimal integration into project management systems is essential for improving project outcomes and team collaboration.This research uniquely explores the development and implementation of a project management system, Workify, designed using Agile principles. The central aim is to investigate how Agile methodologies can enhance project management, focusing on improved adaptability, real-time tracking, and user-centric features.The study employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating case studies and comparative analysis to examine the impact of Agile practices. Thematic analysis was used to identify common trends and insights from the collected data. This comprehensive approach allowed for an in-depth exploration of how Agile can be applied to a project management system like Workify that i produced.Key findings indicate that Agile methodologies, when incorporated into project management systems, lead to greater flexibility and stakeholder satisfaction. Workify, the project management system developed for this research, demonstrated the value of Agile principles such as iterative development and continuous feedback. It showed how these practices can be used to improve project tracking, user engagement, and team collaboration.In conclusion, this research contributes to the field by demonstrating the successful integration of Agile methodologies into a project management system. With Workify as an example, the study provides a blueprint for other organizations to create project management tools that are both efficient and user-friendly. This work expands the understanding of Agile’s impact on project management and offers practical insights for future system development.

Keywords: Agile, Project Management, Full Stack


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 21

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Markus Roggenbach, Simon Robinson

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work