Dylan Lewis (1907417) Dylan Lewis

Multi Platform Push System

Project Abstract

MPPS (Multi Platform Push System) acts as a notification hub for people receiving notifications and provides a uniform way for people to send notifications regardless of a user?��s device?��s platform. Notifications sent to users persist on all of their devices, thus increasing the likelihood they?��ll receive urgent information. The project is intended to increase access to notifications for people working on their projects or small to medium-sized businesses. Access to notifications is enhanced by removing the technical knowledge and cost previously required to implement push notifications. By providing an API and Dashboard for people to send notifications, anyone, regardless of technical knowledge, can access notifications.MPPS aims to enhance the notification solution by making user recruitment more user-friendly than other solutions. Furthermore out of existing solutions researched, MPPS is the only one which provides a means for brand presence on the platform. People who send notifications can verify their website and company via automatic means, and users who receive notifications can report them, impacting the person sending notification?��s score.The main aim of MPPS was to create a web application capable of allowing people to send notifications to their users. The approach to solving the problem was to partition MPPS into smaller problems, such as developing a backend, frontend, and testing. Research was conducted into the smaller problems, and they were all solved to provide a bigger solution. The result is a web application, which allows users to join, add their devices and recieive notifications. For people who send notifications, a dashboard was created alongside an API for application integration.After executing the project, it was found that such a system to act as a notification hub for users is possible and very much works. Existing solutions did not work well in user recruitment aspects, MPPS solved this by implementing Invite Links and OAuth which proved to work very well in the context of the project.

Keywords: Push Notifications, Web Application, Software Design


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 10

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Liam O’reilly, Eike Neumann

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work