Dylan Cooze (985136) Dylan Cooze

Mobile Fitness Application

Project Abstract

Mobile AI Fitness Application which provides personalised workout routines to users based on their available equipment. The application aims to improve, specifically, a user?��s experience when working out from home by providing them with a unique workout regime tailored to equipment which they have access to.The motivation behind this research, is how health and fitness is important to combat many health crisis?��s such as cancer, diabetes and global pandemics which are increasingly becoming more prevalent in the world and impacting billions of people.My aim is to make health and fitness more accessible to everyone using a fitness application.The fitness application market is flooded with applications which provide workout routines where users may not have access to the required equipment to complete the provided workout. In addition to this, applications can suggest workouts which may be challenging for beginners which can lead to users abandoning them. This application would take into consideration the users fitness level, available equipment and how often they wish to work out to combat this. To improve on current applications in the market methods were put in place to test current applications and gain user feedback through a variety of methods such as reviews on current applications and questionnaires on a sample of people to see if an application like this would be beneficial to users. I have produced an application which allows users to select their fitness level and available equipment which then provides them with a workout regime tailored to their needs and equipment.

Keywords: Health and Fitness, Mobile Application,


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 7

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Joe MacInnes, Megan Venn-Wycherley

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work