Dylan Barratt (2118928) Dylan Barratt

LexiTrain: A Formal Language for the Application of Writing Training

Project Abstract

Training plans play a pivotal role in enhancing athletes’ performance in endurance sports. Numerous methodologies for creating training plans have emerged, each offering a unique approach. This multitude of distinct methodologies complicates the simple task of writing a training plan. This dissertation details the creation of the formal language LexiTrain and its compilers. This includes creating the formal language design; the formal language, using a parser generator such as ANTLR4; a web-based calender compiler, using web technologies such as Svelte and TypeScript; compilers for other file formats; and extensive documentation for the language. By creating a well-specified and clearly-defined formal language, LexiTrain is intended to make writing training plans more straightforward with the ability to combine the current number of methodologies into a single framework.In addition to the formal language, the provided compilers allow LexiTrain to be used in realistic scenarios such as the web calender, similar to how other popular training platforms display training.

Keywords: Formal Language Theory, Web Development, Compiler Design


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 110

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Anton Setzer, Jiaxiang Zhang

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work