Deepthi Kanapala (2361211) Deepthi Kanapala

Customized Food Labels

Project Abstract

In the Modern world, the purchasing of food items from the grocery shops or other food outlets has become routine in many families. However, Colourful labels and attracting packaging do consumers really understand what they are taking into their bodies? Do they aware of the nutritional value content of the foods they consume daily? To promote greater awareness of the consumer I am developing an application name Nutrie Application which provides the information about the prepacked food items right at the fingertips on the consumer by scanning the bar code or entering the bar code numbers in search box users can get ingredients list, colour indications, calories content, suitability of the product according to the age groups and dietary preferences. Unlike other applications Nutrie provides detailed analysis and personalized recommendations. It educates users about the nutritional value of the foods they consume and highlights the potential benefits and drawbacks. With help of Nutrie families can ensure every family member having the awareness of the prepacked food and its impact on their health. Irrespective of age the Nutrie app provide suggestions on portion sizes and consumption frequencies based on every individual need in a family. To filling the gap between consumer and pre food labelling understanding. Nutrie application promotes healthier eating habits and overall wellbeing.

Keywords: Nutrie, Nutritional, Labels, Barcode, Consumer, Groceries, Prepacked food,, colour indications, scanning, Ingredients


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 13 at Presentation Slot 10

Location: GH049 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Hassan Eshkiki

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement