Dafydd-Rhys Maund (2003900) Dafydd-Rhys Maund

Social Movies in a World of Social Distancing

Project Abstract

The internet has provided means of accessing digital media that is far superior in comparison to previous technologies. Watching and listening to media without need for physical storage allows for systems to access a broader range of media, meanwhile enhancing the experience of the users. Alongside this, removing the physical aspect has allowed for indulgence in simultaneous watching of the respective media, creating a ?��cinema?�� like experience regardless of location. The media content can be displayed without the cost of file storage, yet providing the full experience one might come to expect, on top of this achieved in both private and public settings. In turn, I propose a system that incorporates features of the internet to provide a service that allows for synchronous viewing of media content regardless of location and to modernize existing systems by implementing ubiquitous communication systems.Comprehension of how such a system would be interacted with by and communicate between users is paramount, given the current landscape of the digital world. A web-hosted server would allow for multi-device access while providing centralized control, real-time updates, and reliability. Existing systems only incorporate a single type of media and rely on a single communication channel. Meanwhile offering systems with clear limitations regarding synchronization. Utilising multimedia services and synchronization technologies can provide a better experience regarding the presentation and viewing of media.To achieve this system, a package of server and client-side is implemented. The front-end will be responsible for controlling interaction with the media and communication between the users, meanwhile the backend responsible for tracking the current state of the media and providing real-time updates to all the connected clients. This app will be made for the web and targeted at users of all devices, due to its accessibility and reliability. Having a system like this will help tackle common social issues such as loneliness which is on the uprise.

Keywords: Social Viewing Experience, Real-Time Communicaton, Client Synchronisation


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 12

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Neal Harman, Thomas Reitmaier

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies