Connor Phillips (2033881) Connor Phillips

Using Multi Agent Systems To Model Cyber Attacks For A Learning Aid

Project Abstract

With cyber attacks becoming increasingly common and presenting an increased threat to all users, it is vital to educate all users of what these attacks are and why they matter. With most resources created to help further educated already informed individuals, it is important to create aids for the less educated on these cyber-threats. Thus, a learning aid targeted for everyone is needed, with focus on educating people with little knowledge on these threats.This learning aid was created with the goal of allowing everyone to understand what these threats are and why they matter. To make it truly applicable to everyone, it was important to explore the different learning styles users have and how to implement features to aid their learning. With the aim, to have all individuals who use the tool to have an increased understanding of what these attacks are and why they matter.For the learning aid, it was important to allow the users to interact with the simulation of these attacks, thus Multi Agent Systems were applicable. This allowed the environment to be adapted by the users and see real time changes in the actions performed by the agents in the simulation. With the use of Java to create the environment for the agents, alongside the graphical display of the agents in the simulation.From this project, it was found to be effective for getting people new to the idea of these threats to understand what they are and the impacts they can have. Although limited, the study group suggests the learning aid’s effectiveness. The project produced a Denial of Service attack simulation, with users being able to add malicious agents to temporarily disable the server.The results of this project has addressed a gap in the resources available for learning about these cyber threats. With this learning aid being targeted to increase base understanding instead of already educated individuals.

Keywords: Multi Agent System, Learning Aid, Cyber-Threats


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 34 at Presentation Slot 7

Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Mark Jones, Galileo Sator (GTA)

Course: MSci Computer Science, Masters 4th Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up