Connor Morey (2124003) Connor Morey

Photo-Realistic Ray Tracing Implementing KD-Trees

Project Abstract

Raytracing is a rendering technique which has a large impact on a wide range of industries, having applications in entertainment but also fields such as engineering, medicine and architecture. The goal of this work is to gain greater understanding of the many techniques involved in creating a realistic ray tracer implementing kd-trees while using a variety of lighting effects to improve the visual quality of the scene produced. The study focuses on using software development techniques to create the product which will be capable of rendering multiple complex images made up of polygon meshes, rendering these quickly by using kd-trees to quicky traverse and render the scene. The ray-tracer will then implement various shading models such as the ?��Blinn-Phong?�� and ?��Lambertian Reflectance?�� models as well as techniques such as reflection to improve image quality and mimic different materials. The initial ray tracer produced could render simple geometric shapes, this was built upon to render complex object made of polygon meshes which made the render time increase. The implementation of kd-trees drastically improved the render time allowing for the models to have multiple materials modelled and still be rendered in useful timeframes. This project will continue to be improved into the future in order to build a stronger portfolio and continue pushing understanding of the techniques involved and their implementations with the goal of creating more realistic renders with more efficient code in order to simulate photo-realism for a larger variety of materials in shorter amounts of time.

Keywords: Computer Graphics, Ray Tracing, KD-Trees


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 107

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Mark Jones, Xianghua Xie

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work