Chaitanya Kadari (2349821) Chaitanya Kadari

Verification of Security Protocol

Project Abstract

AbstractSecurity protocols are a set of rules, security procedures, and customs designed to ensure that communication and data transfer done in a network are secure. These are meant to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, interception, or modification through enforcement with encryption, authentication, and other security measures. This project will explore the verification of Diffie-Hellman security protocols to ensure that the designed network is resistant to possible attacks and vulnerabilities. Therefore, the project strives to be in a position where Tamarin Prover improves the security of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol by enabling formal analysis of parameter choices and assisting to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that arise from the weak parameter selection.The primary aim of this project is to explore the capabilities of Tamarin Prover in verifying the correctness and security properties of communication protocols.The project methodology will revolve around protocol modelling, where the protocol is described and the description is translated into a formal model using the syntax and semantics of Tamarin Prover.The results will be interpreted from the formal verification process verification performed to ensure that the verification results were not leading to false positives or negatives.The conclusion of this research will highlight the protocol’s contribution to the field of computer security and its potential impact on enhancing the security of digital systems.Keywords: Tamarind Prover, Verification, Security Protocol, Computer Security, Data Integrity.

Keywords: testing and verification, logic, cybersecurity


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 13 at Presentation Slot 2

Location: GH049 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Hassan Eshkiki

Course: MSc Data Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement