Caleb Ocansey (2112711) Caleb Ocansey

PlannerBot: A student?��s robotic personal assistant

Project Abstract

Education is an important part of many people’s lives. Organisation is a key to succeding in this important aspect of people’s lives, and in this current world, the intersection between Education and Technology is continuing to grow. This project presents ‘PlannerBot’ a unique and engaging robotic assistant which aims to help students stay organised. PlannerBot was created to take advantage of the growing intersection of education and technology offering more engagement for a student’s organisation. The main aim of this project was to build a functional robot which could interact with users using natural language. The approach used in this work to create PlannerBot was a laser-cut MDF body, Python as the programming language, and a Raspberry Pi, servos and an LED. This approach set the appropriate foundations to create a robotic assistant with features such as creating new events, reading the top news highlights to the user, and checking the weather for a user. This project has shown me how to work on joint hardware and software projects, with exposure to new design software such as TinkerCad and Inkscape and Natural language processing introducing me to a new world of potential future projects. This work opens up new possibilities regarding the future of Robotics in Education by showing the potential of robotics to create more engaging platforms.�?�?

Keywords: Robotics, IoT, AI


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 96

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Deepak Sahoo, Hoang Nga Nguyen

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up