Bobby Murphy (2364716) Bobby Murphy

Agent-Based AI Modelling and Programming

Project Abstract

Motivation and Background: The surge in complexity and frequency of cyber threats necessitates innovative defence mechanisms that preemptively detect and mitigate risks. Traditional security systems are often reactive and insufficient against sophisticated attacks like DDoS or zero-day exploits. This study explores the integration of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) with AI to enhance cybersecurity, offering a timely and impactful solution that leverages decentralization for better threat response.The Proposition of this Research: This research stands out by uniquely harnessing the capabilities of MAS, augmented with AI, to create advanced, dynamic defense strategies against cyber threats. The primary aim is to evaluate how MAS can improve threat detection and response times, fundamentally transforming cybersecurity practices to be more proactive and adaptive.Methods Employed The study employs a qualitative and quantitative research design, utilizing simulations and real-world testing to evaluate the effectiveness of MAS in a controlled environment. The primary approach includes deploying MAS in simulated network settings to detect and respond to artificially generated cyber threats, measuring performance against traditional systems.Main Findings: Key results demonstrate that MAS significantly enhance detection rates and reduce response times to cyber threats. Insights reveal that MAS, with their distributed nature, can effectively identify and mitigate attacks faster than conventional systems. The research produced a prototype MAS that showcases not just improved efficiency and adaptability, but a potential revolution in threat management.Conclusion / Contribution The study contributes new knowledge by demonstrating that MAS integrated with AI can significantly outperform traditional cybersecurity systems in speed and accuracy. This underscores the potential of MAS as a scalable and effective solution to modern cyber threats, offering substantial improvements in proactive cyber defence mechanisms. –

Keywords: Cyber Security,, Botnets, Multi-Agent Systems,


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 19 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH018 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico, Jens Blanck

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m continuing studies