Bhavana Murugan (2312050) Bhavana Murugan

A Software Testing Tool

Project Abstract

?��UPytest?�� is a unit testing tool for python programmers which reads the user?��s program and determines the test coverage {C0,C1} by the given test inputs and it also generates test cases for a given python program. The user does not need to write tests manually in order to perform unit testing. This saves a lot of time for the users as well as increase their programs efficiency and quality. Primary aim and goal here is to enable a beginner friendly software testing tool where anyone is willing to test and spend quality time in performing unit testing in their projects right from the beginning. What I plan to produce: – Extract program graph for given program- Tool which determines C0/C1 coverage based on the given program- Auto generate test cases for a given program Methods I implemented and How I approached the project:- I have created a function to read the program – Created a parser to parse the lines of the program – Implemented Abstract Syntax Tree to gain the structure of the program to extract the graph.

Keywords: Software Testing, Software Engineering, Testing & Verification


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 19 at Presentation Slot 7

Location: GH018 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico, Jens Blanck

Course: MSc Advanced Software Technology, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work