Benjamin Dumble (2012723) Benjamin Dumble

Exploring haptic methods to create an immersive climbing experience in Virtual Reality

Project Abstract

Climbing is widely considered to be a high-risk sport, as such a good entry point for most people is virtual reality. This allows them to experience climbing with less risk.Current commercial VR climbing experiences showcase great potential but lack critical components of the sport such as feet placement, body positioning and physical effort. At present VR climbing experiences consist of simply moving controllers to the correct position, pushing a trigger button, and then lowering the controller. There is no consideration given to foot placement the position of your body, or physically shifting your bodyweight. These are all core components in the sport and without them virtual climbing lacks application. At present the only use I can personally find for virtual climbing is stretching and warming up/down.I want to find and apply methods to amend these flaws and create a more immersive and usable VR climbing experience. This can help people learn new techniques with decreased risk of injury, try well known climbs from around the world without having to spend money travelling, create their own climbs which they could then potentially share.The primary targets of this endeavour are:?�� To explore alternative haptic methods that create a realistic climbing experience in virtual reality.?�� To track feet into a virtual experience so users can practice foot placement.?�� To make a virtual experience where a user can practice real world climbing techniques.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Haptic Feedback,


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 33

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Yuanbo Wu, Manlio Valenti

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work