Ben Williams (2112100) Ben Williams

Creating a Novel Lab Sign-Off Solution using Laravel

Project Abstract

In the Computer Science course labs are a key part of all modules. Tasks in labs are assigned weekly and are usually graded and carry a weighting that applies to the module that they are a part of. Labs that contain practical work currently require an attendant to walk up to students and review their code, the process of giving marks is done on a second screen such as a phone. The number of attendants available varies per module, which means students may face significant waiting times when signing off their work. This project aims to boost the productivity of students and attendants by giving students a portal for storing lab submissions and feedback, as well as letting attendants remotely sign off work. This will be done using the Laravel PHP web framework and a Model-View-Controller software pattern approach to development. This approach to development involves planning out the models which will be created in Laravel using its Eloquent Object-Relational-Mapper system which translates into an SQL database. There are many cases around the world of systems being further digitised to boost efficiency such as at restaurants where touchscreens replace vocalising your order to a present cashier. Within academia some universities utilise batch jobs to remotely run Linux scripts. However, there did not appear to be many pre-existing equivalent solutions for signing off lab work. The closest application would be Canvas. However, this application applies only for coursework outside of labs. This leaves this project in a position to create a novel application for the university that would benefit students and staff in the department.

Keywords: Software Engineering, Web Development, PHP Programming


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 77

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Randell Gaya, Trang Doan

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work