Ben Jones (1234567) Ben Jones

Write a clear and descriptive project title it will appear here on your page

Project Abstract

Write a short abstract to clearly describe your project to your peers, staff and visitors to the conference.  There are many correct ways to go about writing an abstract, here is some advice should you want it. Write one paragraph (150 – 300 words total) covering the five key areas described below, 1-3 sentences each. First, include the motivation and background: Why this work, why now, what’s the impact? Remember, no citations, or lengthy information. Second, write about proposition of this research: The unique positioning of the work. Write the main aim / Research question. Third, describe the methods employed including the main approach to the work and the basic design of the study. Fourth, provide the main findings by highlighting key results, trends or insights i.e. describe what you produced/discovered. Finally, clearly state your conclusion and contribution. For this consider what the world knows now that it did not know before you completed your project. Overall try to keep an approximate balance across all five main areas listed. For Masters Students you will not have findings or conclusions yet, this is fine, simply state what you hope to be able to find and conclude if the project is successful. Note there is no formatting available for your abstract it will be presented as one paragraph in plain text like this one. 

Keywords: Cyber Security, Deep Neural Networks, Human-Algorithm Interaction Design.


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session C at Poster Stand 9

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 10th, 09:30-12:00

Markers: Sean Walton, Simon Robinson

Course: BSc Software Engineering, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work
