Anthony Mathenge (2143150) Anthony Mathenge

Tool for Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment

Project Abstract

In response to the escalating cybersecurity threats facing automotive systems, this research addresses the pressing need for robust threat analysis and risk assessment methodologies in the context of connected and autonomous vehicles. By integrating insights from various existing TARA tools such as OCTAVE, EVITA, and SARA, along with elements of graph-based and tree-based methodologies, this study proposes a comprehensive framework tailored specifically for automotive cybersecurity. The main aim is to develop a standardized methodology that empowers stakeholders to proactively identify, prioritize, and mitigate cybersecurity risks in automotive systems, ultimately enhancing the safety and security of future mobility solutions. Through a multidisciplinary approach involving literature review, case studies, and expert consultations, the research reveals critical vulnerabilities in connected vehicle networks and proposes targeted risk mitigation measures. The main contribution lies in the development of a standardized TARA framework that enables stakeholders to systematically assess and mitigate cybersecurity risks, thereby bolstering the resilience of connected vehicles against emerging threats. In conclusion, this work advances the state of knowledge in automotive cybersecurity by providing a comprehensive approach to Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment. It fills a critical gap in the existing literature and equips industry professionals with the tools and insights needed to navigate the evolving landscape of automotive cybersecurity with confidence and resilience.

Keywords: Cybersecurity, Website Development, Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 136

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Hoang Nga Nguyen, Eike Neumann

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work