Ansh Chawla (2024959) Ansh Chawla

Enhancing Cybersecurity in Tata Steel: A Threat Modeling Tool-Based Approach

Project Abstract

This study aims to address the urgent necessity of cyber-physical system safeguarding in sectors like Tata Steel, which is of utmost importance. By customising the Microsoft Threat Modelling Tool to improve Tata Steel’s cybersecurity environment and drastically lower vulnerabilities in its sensor networks, this work differentiates itself. The study redesigns standard stencils using a comparative analytical method so that they closely correspond with the unique elements and hazards relevant to Tata Steel’s operational environment. This methodology makes it easier to comprehend the security framework’s vulnerabilities in a sophisticated manner. The creation of improved stencils that allowed for the detection of previously unknown threats and provided a�? more robust security model for industrial sensor networks. These fresh ideas were captured in the study’s comprehensive threat report, which added to the overall cybersecurity plan.In conclusion, the project not only provides Tata Steel with an enhanced threat modelling approach, but it also offers a methodical blueprint that other businesses could use to strengthen their cybersecurity defences.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Industry, Tailored Threat Modeling


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 47

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Markus Roggenbach, Solmaz safari

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up