Anoop Anoop (2335586) Anoop Anoop

Simulation Environment

Project Abstract

Machine learning algorithms are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily life across various domains, enhancing efficiency, personalisation and automation without noticing. Virtual assistants like Siri, google assistant, Alexa leverage natural language processing and machine learning to understand and respond to user queries. Self-driving cars rely on machine learning algorithms to perceive and interpret the surrounding environment, make decisions and navigate safely on the road, reducing risk of accidents and improving transportation efficiency.The project aims to create survival environment for Artificial Intelligent (AI) agents to compete or cooperate each other to survive. The simulation environment is a 2D space consist of obstacles, food, enemies and other agents. The primary objective of the agents is to find food avoid obstacles and enemies cooperate or compete with other agents if needed. The simulation environment is used for analysing how different agents interact with each other how long it takes to come up with some strategies to overcome difficulties.The simulation is engineered in 3 stages. �?Each stages teaches agents fundamental skills to survive. Initial stage Agents must learn to explore the map and learn to eat food to survive. On next stages agents must survive from animals or other agents by coming up with original strategies. Each agent will be implemented with different algorithms, Reinforcement learning and Evolution algorithms. Each progress will be documented and analysed.In conclusion, each algorithm is analysed to find how many iterations does each algorithm to learn new skills and what original strategies they come up to resolve issues. Additionally, the report will discuss potential implications and applications of finding, as well as directions for future research and development in the field of Ai and autonomous agents.

Keywords: Machine learning, Reinforcement learning and Evolutionary algorithm, Simulation Environment


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 3 at Presentation Slot 2

Location: GH029 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Deb Roy, Solmaz safari

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work