Andie Ouso (2022112) Andie Ouso

Weather and Music Alarm Clock

Project Abstract

The motivation behind this project stems from the recognition of the daily struggle many individuals face when waking up in the morning, coupled with the potential of technology to improve this experience. By integrating real-time weather updates with personalised music selection the aim is to provide the user with a transformative wake up experience tailored to their preferences and the weather. This research proposes a novel approach to alarm clock applications, positioning itself as more than just a utility but as catalyst for positive and engaging mornings . The main aim is to create a personalized alarm clock app that seamlessly integrates with external API’s to provide accurate weather data through music. The methods employed include integrating the application with open weather and Deezer API’s offering customization options for song selections and creating an intuitive user interface. The main findings of this research highlight the effectiveness of melodic wake-up experiences in reducing sleep inertia and improving sleep quality. The contribution of this project lies in its unique positioning at the intersection of technology, personalization, and well-being, aiming to enhance the morning routines of users worldwide.

Keywords: Alarm, Weather, Personalization, Music


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 46

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Simon Robinson, Matt Roach

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work