Ali Muktar (2149459) Ali Muktar

Food Sharing Web Application

Project Abstract

The project’s aim and motivation are to solve food waste issues and financial challenges university students face. To address these concerns, the Food Sharing Web Application was developed. Its unique approach combines user-centric design with technical innovation to foster sustainability and community support within academic settings. The study?��s main goal was to create a digital platform that facilitates the distribution of leftover foods among university students. Extensive background research, meticulous project design, and rigorous implementation were conducted to achieve this. The study found that the application effectively reduces food waste and supports student welfare. The key features that contributed to its success were the integration of Google Maps API, well-managed reservation systems, and automated email notifications. The insights from user studies demonstrated the platform’s relevance and usability, contributing to its overall success. In conclusion, this project significantly advances our understanding of how technology can be used to promote sustainability and community engagement. The Food Sharing Web Application substantially aims to address food waste and supports student communities, offering previously unavailable insights in the academic domain.

Keywords: Software engineering, FullStack web app, Modern Single page webApp, Human Computer Interaction


 Conference Details


Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 127

Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Nicholas Micallef, Gregory Cheng

Course: BSc Computer Science, 3rd Year

Future Plans: I’m looking for work