Third Year Poster Fair

Third year Poster FairCelebrating the achievements of the student’s delivering a demonstration of their self directed project work Third Year Poster Fair Masters Presentations Employability Zone Third Year Poster Fair Search for: Every year, undergraduate third...

James Sergeant

James Sergeant (2144034) Selfish – an Educational Game for Biologists Project Abstract Selfish is a game designed around exploring the complex adaptability of the Mangrove Rivulus, a fish found in the Caribbean. This is the third in a series of versions made of...

Ben Jones

Ben Jones (1234567) Write a clear and descriptive project title it will appear here on your page Project Abstract Write a short abstract to clearly describe your project to your peers, staff and visitors to the conference.  There are many correct ways to go about...

Rami Abdulrazzaq

Rami Abdulrazzaq (2124755) Autonomous Robot for Hotel Guest Assistance Project Abstract Hotel staff have a significant responsibility to ensure that the guests staying at their establishment are comfortable and satisfied with their experience. However, hotel staff...

Temilola Adedolado

Temilola Adedolado (2113079) Technology in Sports Management Project Abstract This project centres on the creation of a sports web application, developed in Laravel, aimed at facilitating league management. Grassroots sports often face challenges in organisation due...

Tana Affum-Appea

Tana Affum-Appea (2035822) Ethical Considerations in AI: Investigating Bias in Machine Learning Algorithms and its Impact on Societal Equity Project Abstract This research explores machine learning bias in gender, race, and age using the Adult dataset. As AI becomes...

Ilyas Ahmed

Ilyas Ahmed (2005274) Discovering Vulnerabilities in WiFi Direct and Proposing Possible Security Countermeasures Project Abstract Motivation and background: The motivation behind this work stems from the increasing reliance on WiFi Direct technology for peer-to-peer...

Ghaith Alajmi

Ghaith Alajmi (2145404) Event Managment Project Abstract Catering the evolving needs of event management in this day and age has become a hassle. There?��s been a lot of growth in virtual and physical events in the past few years that has changed the management...

Hamad Mohammed Al-Mutawah

Hamad Mohammed Al-Mutawah (2122983) Web Application – Novel Lab Sign-off and Queue System Project Abstract This research focuses on the importance of implementing a real time interaction system, in web applications specifically emphasizing the management of user...

Jack Allen

Jack Allen (2122485) project team information manager Project Abstract When I was working within groups of my peers, I always had problems with teamwork software, so I wanted to create a tool that small teams could use to cultivate a better work environment. By...

Shiv Ambasna

Shiv Ambasna (2011144) ADHD in Education: Developing an Educational App for Key Stage 3 Students Project Abstract As the number of students with ADHD rises, the development of an educational app tailored to their specific needs becomes more necessary. This app aims to...

Samuel Ashman Timothy

Samuel Ashman Timothy (2112438) Detecting and Mitigating Packet Sniffing and Keylogging Attacks Project Abstract The domain of cyber security is characterized by ever-evolving/progressing threatsand the constant need for effective and up-to-date defensive mechanisms...

William Avery

William Avery (2011973) Game Design for Soft Skill Teaching Project Abstract This academic year dissertation project aims to develop a riveting and engaging digital game design that aids to strengthen the participants?�� interpersonal skills that allow for better team...

Tom Ayling

Tom Ayling (2013325) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 38 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers:...

Mohamed Ba Ndour

Mohamed Ba Ndour (2016522) Railway Control Systems Project Abstract Modelling a section of a UK railway to compare the current implementation of train protection systems (AWS/TPWS) to a newer implementation currently mostly used in high speed lines in Europe (ERTMS)...

Ahmad Bajwa

Ahmad Bajwa (1911504) Enhanced Facial Recognition and its effects on privacy Project Abstract The adoption of AI in facial recognition technology has brought about a new dimension to monitoring methods which in turn has raised concern about privacy and consent in...

Alexander Balfour

Alexander Balfour (2142479) Virtual Assistance for Formula 1 Video Game Project Abstract In this project, I investigate how to improve the performance and results of competitive drivers in the Formula 1 (F1) video game. Competition in motorsport video games is growing...

William Balls

William Balls (2011660) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 34 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers:...

Airidas Barcanskas

Airidas Barcanskas (2035281) Medical Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Project Abstract This project focuses on creating a lightweight convolutional neural network to identify Emphysema from lung x-rays. The motivation was that emphysema is...

Iggy Barquero

Iggy Barquero (2033689) Developing Classifiers to classify extremist content online Project Abstract Today, the internet is more accessible than ever to young people. While this can be seen as a great thing, the internet doesn?��t come without any dangers. With easier...

Dylan Barratt

Dylan Barratt (2118928) LexiTrain: A Formal Language for the Application of Writing Training Project Abstract Training plans play a pivotal role in enhancing athletes’ performance in endurance sports. Numerous methodologies for creating training plans have...

Oliver Barry

Oliver Barry (2007906) Visualising Machine Learning Algorithms Performance on Human Electroencephalogram Data Project Abstract My motivation for this project was my interest in pursuing bioinformatics as a career. I have been interested in biology and psychology for a...

Daniel Bates

Daniel Bates (2018303) Real-Time Object Detection for Automotive Platforms Project Abstract The advancement of autonomous driving and new ADAS safety systems has propelled the demand for robust and efficient real-time object detection systems within automotive...

Daniel Baxter

Daniel Baxter (991645) Object Detection of Aircraft Using Resource Constrained Devices Project Abstract During the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, there is increasing evidence of the widespread usage of machine learning techniques to aid in warfare. While the ethics...

Faye Belcher

Faye Belcher (2115286) Spam Identification using Machine Learning and Homomorphic Encryption Project Abstract My project is about spam filtering and combining it with encrypted data. �?I took this project to improve my skills in machine learning and learning...

Michal Berka

Michal Berka (2013667) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 0 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers: ,...

Oliver Bevan

Oliver Bevan (975535) Real-time Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Project Abstract Deinterlacing has seen widespread usage in recent decades, becoming commonplace in high-definition televisions, broadcasting and video capture software. Many implementations exist, from...

Rajan Bhamra

Rajan Bhamra (2034215) To what extent can A health and lifestyle app create and sustain habits from after 2 weeks of use? Project Abstract This project is a health and lifestyle app, and is used to evaluate the question ?��To what extent can a health and lifestyle app...

Steffan Borland

Steffan Borland (864906) Dark Pattern Detector Project Abstract Dark patterns (Deceptive patterns / Deceptive design) are tricks used in websites and applications that make the user do things they may not have intended to do. An example of a dark pattern referred to...

Edward Brook

Edward Brook (2114899) Web Status System Project Abstract In today’s digital landscape, businesses heavily rely on cloud-based applications and services, with game server hosting providers being no exception. However, as businesses grow and their dependence on...

Kristian Brooks

Kristian Brooks (1910767) Early British Computers, and their Emulation Project Abstract Computing as a field began in the 1950s, bringing 4 interesting computers to Britian: Turing?��s Pilot ACE, Manchester Baby, the EDSAC, and the Dutch-designed but Welsh-built...

Connor Browes

Connor Browes (2017302) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session A at Poster Stand 57 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers:...

Joshua Brown

Joshua Brown (2141679) Virtual Reality for Controlling and Interacting with Robots Project Abstract This project seeks to help incorporate the use of robotics and virtual reality within different fields with a focus on assisting those living with difficulties such as...

Wiktoria Bruzgo

Wiktoria Bruzgo (2110283) Resurrecting COBOL Project Abstract Resurrecting COBOL is a project set out to explore the history of the COBOL programming language and its impact on business computing, as well as explore methods in which COBOL can be reintroduces into...

Oliver Brydon-Hill

Oliver Brydon-Hill (1913695) Constructing an attack tree template library using CAPEC Project Abstract In the digital age, understanding and mitigating threats is of utmost importance. As threats evolve, the need for sophisticated tools to analyse potential attack...

Daniel Calaras

Daniel Calaras (2143267) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 0 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: ,...

Khoi Nguyen Cao

Khoi Nguyen Cao (2117937) Alpha-Beta Pruning For Two Player Games Project Abstract As we progress, we develop technologies that assist us from the most miniscule tasks to the most complex of tasks. One prominent technology that was invented that will be the future is...

Zach Chalkley

Zach Chalkley (2015448) Leveraging Deep Neural Networks for the Creation of Expressive Musical Compositions Project Abstract The ability to create art has long been recognized as uniquely human, serving as a powerful means of communication and emotional expression....

Jeremy Chan

Jeremy Chan (2034894) Blockchain Network and Security Project Abstract In an era where blockchain technology underpins critical global financial and data transactions, enhancing its security has never been more essential. This project responds to this urgent need by...

Wai Ching Chan

Wai Ching Chan (2228087) Strategic Deployment of IPv6: Assessing the Efficacy of Dual-Stack and DNS64 in Small and Medium Networks Project Abstract The internet needs to move from IPv4 to IPv6 because there are not enough IPv4 addresses for all the internet-connected...

Ansh Chawla

Ansh Chawla (2024959) Enhancing Cybersecurity in Tata Steel: A Threat Modeling Tool-Based Approach Project Abstract This study aims to address the urgent necessity of cyber-physical system safeguarding in sectors like Tata Steel, which is of utmost importance. By...

Jonathan Cheshire

Jonathan Cheshire (1913470) A journey into Embedded Software development: Designing and building an Audio Guestbook Project Abstract Audio Guestbooks have become increasingly popular for events, such as weddings, yet existing products currently on the market are...

David Chinyio

David Chinyio (2007587) Back of Device Interaction Project Abstract This project explores the effects of haptic feedback through the back of a device on a user?��s emotions ?�� specifically regarding reducing stress and / or anxiety. It focusses on people with a...

Maisha Chowdhury

Maisha Chowdhury (2114962) Better Timetable Project Abstract Swansea University uses a range of timetabling solutions across its faculties. However, the unique challenges associated with the CELCAT system, particularly concerning navigation, are not observed in the...

Kai To Chung

Kai To Chung (2122492) WhatsAppWeb Data Extraction Tool Project Abstract This project aims to develop a tool that allows users to extract their chat data from WhatsApp Web. While there are other methods to extract chat data from WhatsApp, this tool can simplify the...

Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark (2124746) well-being tracker Project Abstract The Well-being tracker is a project aspiring to enhance the view of a modern calendars purpose. It will take into account habits of a user and prepare a better reorganised calendar to ensure their mental...

Christopher Clash

Christopher Clash (2032908) Creating a Connect 4 Bot using Minimax and Alpha-Beta pruning Project Abstract This project was to create a means of playing Connect-4 against an AI whose moves are optimized to attempt to force a win using the Minimax algorithm, as well as...

Liam Clegg

Liam Clegg (2111466) Realtime Raytraced Blackhole Project Abstract Scientific communication often faces challenges in conveying complex topics, such as black holes, to a broader audience. Given the popularity and accessibility of video games in the modern era, there...

Ben Clement

Ben Clement (2006155) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Poster Session B at Poster Stand 15 Location: Sir Stanley Clarke Auditorium at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: Jay...

Jacob Cleyndert

Jacob Cleyndert (2035454) Using Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for an Autonomous Scalextric Car Project Abstract In an era where autonomous systems are pivoting from theoretical constructs to practical, real-world applications, this work arrives at a critical...