SAI BADRINATH THENNETI (2351553) WILL THE CAT CATCH THE MOUSE-MODELLING CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEM Project Abstract This project examines the relationship between a cat and mouse within cyber-physical systems through modelling simulation and formal verification. Be an...

Kurtis Thornton

Kurtis Thornton (1913934) Automated Content Removal Project Abstract With online discourse and harmful content becoming more prevalent with the rise of hate speech, fake news, and extremist content, it is explored how effective it is to remove content from social...

Lochani Perera

Lochani Perera (2232322) Enhancing Antivirus Software: A Comprehensive Evaluation and Innovative Prototyping Approach Project Abstract Considering the sophistication of today’s digital dangers, this research project attempts to enhance the usability and efficacy...

Deepak Tidke

Deepak Tidke (2315885) Distributed Key Generation with rotating private keys Project Abstract In today?��s information technology domain security is key aspect. Growing cloud computing service providers like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Services, Microsoft Azure...

Mohammed Nizwa Tonse Shiek

Mohammed Nizwa Tonse Shiek (2345131) Cyber Security Projects – Packet Sniffing Project Abstract The development of computer networks has transformed the way information is shared and accessed, allowing for easy communication and teamwork worldwide. However, as...

Shushant Tripathi

Shushant Tripathi (2343051) Cryptography Teaching Tool Project Abstract Nowadays Cryptographic failures or sensitive data exposure ranked as the second most common security risks according to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10. Cryptography plays...

Karuna Manasa Tumma

Karuna Manasa Tumma (2339499) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 30 at Presentation Slot 7 Location: GH014 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers: Sofya...

Sabir Uddin

Sabir Uddin (1907953) Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Novel Biomarkers for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Project Abstract The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has influenced increasing automation. AI is concerned with researching and...

Faith Udochukwu

Faith Udochukwu (2273720) Exploring the evolution of computing education in enhancing remote learning using Moodle as a tool Project Abstract This research is driven by the rapid evolution of computing technologies and their significant impact on education,...