Anoop Anoop

Anoop Anoop (2335586) Simulation Environment Project Abstract Machine learning algorithms are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily life across various domains, enhancing efficiency, personalisation and automation without noticing. Virtual assistants like...

Krishna Prasanth Arava

Krishna Prasanth Arava (2361888) Smart Travel Assistant App for Apple Watch Project Abstract The motivation for our project, the Smart Travel Assistant App for Apple Watch, stems from a deep understanding of these challenges and a commitment to leveraging technology...

Anmol Anmol

Anmol Anmol (2332833) Automotive Cybersecurity: Risk-driven Testing Requirements Project Abstract The project is focused on the Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) framework for developing cybersecurity in automotive operations. In the process of...

Sri Prathyusha Asapu

Sri Prathyusha Asapu (2338609) Data Driven Intelligent Energy Saving Project Abstract The pressing need to increase the effectiveness of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, is what drives this research. These sources are essential for lowering...

Harman Attri

Harman Attri (2343299) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 3 at Presentation Slot 5 Location: GH029 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers: Deb Roy, Solmaz...

Bryan Aun

Bryan Aun (852650) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 3 at Presentation Slot 6 Location: GH029 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers: Deb Roy, Solmaz safari...

Ayanlola John Ayantoye

Ayanlola John Ayantoye (2247163) APPLICATION OF SURICATA SOFTWARE FOR CYBER SECURITY ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS Project Abstract Cybersecurity is critical in today’s digital landscape, as the expansion of network applications has resulted in a surge in...

Vincent Ayodola

Vincent Ayodola (2033548) Enhancing Ray Tracing with Kd-Trees for Improved Computational Efficiency Project Abstract In the rapidly evolving field of computer graphics, the demand for real-time rendering capabilities is increasingly urgent, particularly in...

Aditya Bagadi

Aditya Bagadi (2353614) A Dynamic Computing Education Resource Hub for Teacher. Project Abstract The integration of technology in education has catalyzed the transformation of traditional teaching methodologies, particularly in computing education. This project...

Aishah Bahashwan

Aishah Bahashwan (2219196) Chest X-ray Image Classification for Medical Diagnosis using Deep Learning Project Abstract Pneumonia is a considerable health concern globally, influencing millions of individuals each year. It is an infection that causes fluid or pus to...

Lochani Perera

Lochani Perera (2232322) Enhancing Antivirus Software: A Comprehensive Evaluation and Innovative Prototyping Approach Project Abstract Considering the sophistication of today’s digital dangers, this research project attempts to enhance the usability and efficacy...


MANASA VALIYA VALAPPIL (2338480) EDUCATIONAL SUITE OF APPLIED TASKS- SOFTWARE TESTING Project Abstract This project will involve developing a web application which students can download and run themselves to find bugs whilst learning key software testing skills. Once...

Athira Venu

Athira Venu (2340435) A biometric person recognition system based on brainwave(EEG) signals: explore its potential from the machine learning perspective. Project Abstract This project explores the feasibility and efficacy of utilizing electroencephalogram (EEG)...

Trafford Bage

Trafford Bage (2013838) Cause & Effect: Simulations off-world Project Abstract With so many new programmes reaching beyond earth, studies are being conducted into architecture, logistics, transport and agriculture on off-world locations. However, less of them are...

Khushi Nagi

Khushi Nagi (2020366) Integration and Management of Real-Time Vehicle Dynamics Data Using CARLA Simulator and AWS Project Abstract My research is motivated by the complexity of remote control and safety systems, as well as the rising demand for efficiency. With cloud...