Thushanth sivagnanasundaram

Thushanth sivagnanasundaram (2358789) FARM BUDDY Project Abstract This study addresses the issues encountered by Sri Lankan farmers, concentrating on empowering them, benefiting consumers, and contributing to the country’s economy. In Sri Lanka, the agricultural...

Aravind Sivakumar

Aravind Sivakumar (2360313) Portal for tracking and reflecting on digital skills development Project Abstract In today’s digital age, our project is dedicated to empowering the younger generation with essential skills through long-term programs aimed at...

Saurav Suresh

Saurav Suresh (2311230) Web Application for Lab Sign-off and Queue System Project Abstract The modern education system focuses more on practical learning, which requires extensive use of labs. However due to the large volume of students enrolled each year, it gets...

Juveria Samreen Syeda

Juveria Samreen Syeda (2354520) In The Market Web Application Project Abstract In this dynamic investment world, MarketSpace is developing as a cutting-edge web application custom-designed for revolution in the real estate and automotive investment industries. It...

Tayaba Tabassum

Tayaba Tabassum (2348068) Data Driven Intelligent Energy Saving Project Abstract The purpose of the project is to deal with the current issue of “energy utilization efficiency” and sustainability issues through data-driven intelligent energy-saving...

Siddhi Tanawade

Siddhi Tanawade (2328881) Visual Analysis of Financial Data Project Abstract In an era when making financial decisions based on data is essential, so tools that can translate complex financial data into understandable insights for a wide variety of users is...

Srikanth Tanneru

Srikanth Tanneru (2357248) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 29 at Presentation Slot 7 Location: GH011 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00 Markers: Alex Warren...

Meharaja shanthan Thadem

Meharaja shanthan Thadem (2354424) Vision system to Assist Shopkeepers and customers in arranging stocks and loading baskets Project Abstract The retail industry faces significant challenges in managing stock efficiently and providing a seamless customer experience....

Sai Nithik Thaduri

Sai Nithik Thaduri (2342370) Game Developing for Alzheimers Disease Project Abstract Alzheimer’s disease, also known as dementia (AD) is a progressive neurological ailment that usually affects the elderly, causing cognitive decline, memory loss, and eventually...