Emmanuel Okere

Emmanuel Okere (2355852) Biometric Authentication Systems for Enhanced Security in Healthcare Systems Project Abstract ABSTRACTThe objective of this project is to improve the security of healthcare systems by means of biometric authentication. The digitization of...

Victor Okoruwa

Victor Okoruwa (2336843) VERIFICATION OF SECURITY PROTOCOLS Project Abstract – Motivation and backgroundThere’s an increasing cyberattacks targeting security protocols due to weak configuration and verification. With an evolving landscape of information...

Folusho Oladipo

Folusho Oladipo (2265016) Building a Chatbot for the IT Team at Swansea University: LLMs and Suitability Project Abstract This project aims to lighten the burden of Swansea University’s IT Team by building a chatbot they can use for providing a first line of...

Queen Omangima

Queen Omangima (2346883) Human-Robot Interaction and Data Security Project Abstract PROJECT ABSTRACTWith robots rapidly becoming commonplace across society, ensuring data security within human-robot interaction (HRI) becomes paramount. This abstract delves into this...

Edafe Omarejedje Emunotor

Edafe Omarejedje Emunotor (2317323) Use of mobile technologies in the healthcare industry: A focus on health tracking and medication management in multimorbidity (MLTC). Project Abstract Multimorbidity, which refers to the presence of multiple chronic health...

Aruoture Oriavwote

Aruoture Oriavwote (2307243) Commonsense reasoning in computer science Project Abstract The goal of this research is to increase road safety and efficiency by creating a formal representation of commonsense reasoning in driving behavior, with an emphasis on...

Aditya Padwal

Aditya Padwal (2355596) Application of OWASP Threat Dragon software for cyber security analysis of Complex systems Project Abstract The rising complexity of modern systems, along with ever-changing cyber threat scenario, necessitates the use strong security analysis...

Preetham Venkatesh

Preetham Venkatesh (2345203) Voluntary Ambulance Service VAS – Lift Assist Project Abstract The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is facing a crisis, with ambulance services and patient waiting times majorly affected. To address this, the VAS-Lift Assist...

Amal James

Amal James (2236680) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 22 at Presentation Slot 9 Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers: Deepak Sahoo,...

Badaraiah Pallapati

Badaraiah Pallapati (2341047) No Project Title Provided Project Abstract No Abstract Provided Keywords: , ,    Conference Details   Session: Presentation Stream 22 at Presentation Slot 10 Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30 Markers:...