Building an Educational Tool

Project Abstract

The development of a web-based educational tool is motivated by the rapid evolution of digitallearning technologies and the increasing demand for personalized, interactive educationalexperiences. This project, timely in its approach, leverages the growth in online educationintensified by recent global shifts toward remote learning environments. It aims to significantlyenhance accessibility and engagement in educational settings, impacting a broad spectrum oflearners. The proposition of this research lies in its innovative integration of adaptive learningtechnologies with interactive content to create a highly personalized and engaging learningplatform. This educational tool uniquely positions itself by combining real-time analytics, userfeedback, and adaptive content pathways to cater to individual learning styles and pace, settingit apart from traditional and static digital learning methods. The main aim of this research is to investigate how personalized, adaptive learning technologies can impact user engagement and learning outcomes in web-based educational settings. The central research question explores the extent to which a tailor-made learning experience can enhance knowledge retention and user satisfaction compared to conventional educational methods. Methodologically, the project employs a design-based research approach, focusing on iterative development and testing to refine educational interventions. Utilizing technologies such as React for front-end development and Node.js for the backend.The project encompasses the creation of dynamic, user-friendly interfaces and robust server-side applications to facilitate an interactive learning environment. While the project is still underway, initial trends suggest potential for increased engagement and improved learning outcomes through personalized content delivery. The final contribution of this research will hopefully establish a new benchmark in digital education, demonstrating how advanced, personalized web technologies can revolutionize learning experiences and outcomes.

Keywords: Mobile Applications, Web Applications, Professional Development


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 31 at Presentation Slot 1

Location: GH018 at Wednesday 8th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Gregory Cheng, Ehinafa Akinola (GTA)

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work