Manasa Ramesh (2345189) Manasa Ramesh

Driving Care: The Realm of Voluntary Ambulance Services

Project Abstract

The project emerges from the increasing demand pressures faced by ambulance services within the NHS, driven by population growth, demographic changes, and rising healthcare needs. Recent evaluations highlight challenges in meeting operational goals by limited funding. The proposition of this research lies in its focus on voluntary ambulance services as a solution to alleviate strain on emergency calls, thereby improving response times for critical cases. This project aims to enhance access to non-emergency transportation services, ultimately contributing to optimal patient outcomes. The project adopts Agile methodology, facilitating iterative development and alignment with user needs. Key methods include the development of a secure user registration and authentication model, implementation of a robust driver notification system, design of an intuitive user interface, thorough testing for quality assurance, and deployment on a secure hosting platform. These methods ensure the efficient and reliable operation of the web application, enhancing its scalability and adaptability to changing requirements. Key findings include the identification of challenges faced by ambulance services, particularly in meeting response time targets and addressing resource constraints. Analysis of response time data reveals significant delays in ambulance services, particularly for non-urgent cases. The project’s main insights focus on the potential of voluntary ambulance services to alleviate strain on emergency services and improve response times. The developed web application offers essential functionalities, including user registration, trip management, and real-time communication, to facilitate efficient non-emergency transportation services.This project contributes to the understanding of challenges faced by ambulance services and proposes innovative solutions to enhance service delivery. By focusing on voluntary ambulance services and leveraging technology, the project offers a practical approach to improving response times and optimising patient outcomes. The deployment of the web application provides a tangible solution to address the identified challenges, offering a user-friendly platform for coordinating non-emergency transportation services. Overall, the project underscores the importance of innovation and collaboration in enhancing healthcare delivery and patient care within the NHS.

Keywords: Ambulance Service Enhancement, Human Computer Interaction, NHS Aid


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 24 at Presentation Slot 10

Location: College 017 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Fabio Caraffini, Nader Al Khatib (GTA)

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work