Edafe Omarejedje Emunotor (2317323) Edafe Omarejedje Emunotor

Use of mobile technologies in the healthcare industry: A focus on health tracking and medication management in multimorbidity (MLTC).

Project Abstract

Multimorbidity, which refers to the presence of multiple chronic health conditions, poses significant challenges to healthcare systems and diminishes the quality of life for patients. Conventional healthcare methods often concentrate on managing individual ailments, which may not be effective for individuals with complex needs. There is a pressing need for innovative solutions to enhance patient-centred care and treatment adherence. Mobile technologies offer a promising solution by enhancing health monitoring and medication management for individuals with multimorbidity. The proposed mobile application aims to empower patients with a comprehensive self-care tool that combines medication management features (e.g., dosage reminders, adherence tracking) and health tracking capabilities (e.g., monitoring vital signs, symptoms, and lifestyle factors) within a user-centred design.The methodology involves a multifaceted approach that starts with gathering extensive information from users and determining their needs through discussions in focus groups, interviews with various individuals involved in healthcare, and a thorough review of existing mobile solutions. To develop and improve the application’s features and interface, principles of design that prioritise the user’s needs will be applied, and prototypes with basic features will be created and tested with end-users multiple times.The proposed application will be developed using cross-platform frameworks like React Native, utilising cloud services and technologies such as Node.js, MongoDB, and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) for integrating data. To ensure the quality and reliability of the code, we will conduct thorough testing, including unit testing and continuous integration.By addressing the unique needs of individuals with multimorbidity, this research project aims to enhance patient engagement, promote medication adherence, and facilitate seamless care coordination among healthcare providers, ultimately improving health outcomes and quality of life for this growing population.

Keywords: mobile health application, health tracking, medication management


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 22 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: CoFo 002 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Deepak Sahoo, John Tucker

Course: MSc Advanced Software Technology, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work