Aravind Murugan (2346758) Aravind Murugan

Luxury Purchases Made Simple: Introducing ‘In the Market’ Web App

Project Abstract

This project introduces the “In the Market” web application, aiming to streamline luxury purchases of cars and houses by integrating economic, psychological, and computer science theories. In today?��s world. The motivation stems from the need for a platform offering personalized recommendations and real-time data analytics, bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications in luxury consumer behavior. The research question focuses on developing a user-friendly platform with unique features enhancing decision-making processes for luxury purchases. Employing a MERN stack as tools to develop the web application , the study integrates algorithms for personalized recommendations and data fetching from multiple sources. Key findings include the successful implementation of dynamic content creation, interactive listing management, and location-based search, enhancing user experience and decision-making. In conclusion, this project contributes to a deeper understanding of luxury consumer behavior and offers a practical solution to improve the luxury shopping experience, emphasizing the value of interdisciplinary approaches in web development.

Keywords: Luxury purchases, Consumer behavior, Algorithmic Techniques


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 19 at Presentation Slot 6

Location: GH018 at Wednesday 8th 09:00 – 12:30

Markers: Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico, Jens Blanck

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work