On the Size of Pairing-based Non-interactive Arguments Implementation in Python
Project Abstract
The aim of the research will be focused on the implementation of the non interactive arguments in Python based on the size of pairing. The purpose of the research will be determining the enabling power of the non interactive arguments for which the Python programming language will be used. The objective of this study is to determine whether Python can be used to implement non-interactive arguments (NIAs) in pairing-based cryptography. With the use of NIAs, a prover can persuade a verifier that a statement is true without having to communicate. Mathematical pairings on elliptic curves are used in pairing-based cryptography to perform cryptographic operations such as encryption. Finding out how practical and effective it is to use Python to implement NIA with different pairing sizes is the main goal. In addition to investigating potential drawbacks, this study aims to ascertain whether Python is capable of handling intricate cryptographic operations with efficiency. We are going to use the inductive research approach. To create theories, this entails evaluating past observations and data. To evaluate the suitability of Python code for cryptographic implementations, pairing-based NIA principles will be used in its development. The objective is to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of pairing-based NIA with Python. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Python is a good language for these kinds of cryptographic applications and to point out potential areas for development or different strategies.
Keywords: Python, Mission learning,
Conference Details
Session: Presentation Stream 8 at Presentation Slot 7
Location: GH037 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00
Markers: Galileo Sator (GTA), Ulrich Berger
Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG
Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement