Mounika Dasari (2342178) Mounika Dasari

A web app for teaching finite automata and regular languages

Project Abstract

This project introduces Automata LinguaLoom, a web application designed to facilitate the understanding of finite automata and regular languages. Motivated by the challenges students face in comprehending these concepts, Automata LinguaLoom aims to provide an easily accessible and engaging learning experience. Through interactive tools such as animated videos, puzzle games, and quizzes, students can explore key concepts at their own pace. The unique proposition of this research lies in its integration of JavaFX for dynamic visualizations and visual effects, enhancing student engagement and comprehension. The main aim of the project is to offer students a comprehensive platform to develop their understanding of finite automata and regular languages, from basic to advanced levels. The methods employed include frontend development using React.js and backend development using Node.js/Express.js, with MongoDB as the database. The main findings highlight the effectiveness of interactive learning tools in improving student comprehension and retention. In conclusion, Automata LinguaLoom contributes to the field of education by providing an innovative approach to learning finite automata and regular languages, filling a gap in resources for students and educators alike.

Keywords: Web application, Finite automata, Computer science


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 7 at Presentation Slot 7

Location: GH018 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Sofya Lyakhova, Troy Astarte

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement