Visualizing algebraic data types (ADTs)

Project Abstract

The functional programming and algebraic Data Types (ADTs) reign supreme. These versatile building blocks allow programmers to meticulously structure complex data, ensuring clarity, reliability, and a functional approach to problem-solving. However, despite their power, ADTs often cloak themselves in an aura of abstraction, posing a challenge for both seasoned developers and those just starting their functional programming journey.This project tackles this very hurdle by spearheading the development of a groundbreaking tool ?�� a visual interpreter for ADTs and other intricate programming constructs. Imagine a world where diagrams and intuitive tree structures illuminate the often-opaque nature of ADTs. This tool aspires to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application, fostering a deeper comprehension of these fundamental building blocks.The benefits of such a tool are multifaceted. For novice programmers, the visual representation will serve as a springboard, propelling them from the abstract realm of definitions into a clear and tangible understanding. Experienced developers will find it an invaluable asset, streamlining the process of working with ADTs and enhancing their ability to communicate complex concepts to others.This will have a ripple effect throughout the field of functional programming. Improved comprehension translates to increased efficiency, allowing programmers to work with ADTs with greater agility and confidence. Furthermore, by fostering clearer communication, the tool will pave the way for better collaboration and knowledge sharing within the developer community.The project is currently in its nascent stage, brimming with potential. The development team is committed to exploring a diverse range of visualization techniques, meticulously evaluating each approach to identify the most effective method for representing the intricacies of ADTs. This experimentation ensures that the final tool is not only informative but also intuitive and user-friendly for programmers of all levels.

Keywords: Data Visualisation,, Programming Languages, Theorical Computer Science


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 6 at Presentation Slot 1

Location: GH014 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Jay Morgan, Trang Doan

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement