Alhamad Ali (2362663) Alhamad Ali

Exploring the Psychological Dynamics of Cybersecurity and Antivirus Usability

Project Abstract

AbstractIn cybersecurity, the human element is often overlooked despite being the weakest link. Non-expert users?�� behaviors and psychology significant impact the security of systems. Understanding these factors can go a long way into enhancing cybersecurity. While there are many studies that have focused on the human element and how it leads to cyberattacks, studies have failed to discuss the psychological basis behind these factors and how they can be managed to enhance cybersecurity by improving the usability of antivirus software. The aim of the proposed research is to investigate the impact of psychological factors on the cybersecurity of non-expert system users and to explore strategies for improving the features and usability of antivirus software. The study will be observational and assume a user-centric approach (i.e., observing and assessing antivirus usability under realistic conditions). The participants will be required to perform tasks in a simulated environment as they unknowingly face security risks. Screen captures and interviews will be used to assess their user experiences and attitudes. A harmless file (written in C) that triggers antivirus tools of users will be developed and sent to the participants via email as a Word document. The participants will be required to download and add some content to the Word document without knowing that a malicious file has been embedded within the document. For the findings, the study will offer valuable insights into how users perceive and respond to antivirus notifications and challenges they face in dealing with security threats, which will lead to recommendations on how such software can be improved in terms of usability.

Keywords: Cybersecurity, Antivirus Software, Psychological Factors


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 2 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH043 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Mukesh Tiwary, Muneeb Ahmad

Course: MSc Cyber Security, Masters PG

Future Plans: I have a job lined-up