Oludare Afe (2247913) Oludare Afe

Othello – Android Application with AI Exploration

Project Abstract

This project aims to develop a user-friendly Othello application for Android devices with a compelling single-player experience. The challenge lies in implementing an intelligent AI opponent capable of strategic decision-making.Develop a visually appealing and intuitive Othello application for the Android platform.Implement a single-player mode featuring an AI opponent with varying difficulty levels.Explore and evaluate different AI algorithms (e.g., Minimax, Alpha-Beta pruning, Monte Carlo Tree Search) for effective move selection by the AI.Design an evaluation function that analyzes the game state and predicts favorable outcomes for the AI.Analyze the performance and effectiveness of each AI method through gameplay testing and performance metrics (e.g., win rate, move time)Minimax Algorithm, A classic tree search algorithm that explores all possible moves recursively and chooses the one that leads to the best outcome for the AI (assuming a perfect opponent).Alpha-Beta Pruning, An optimization technique for Minimax that eliminates branches of the search tree that can’t possibly be the best option, improving efficiency. Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning is a well-established and efficient approach for perfect-information games like Othello, especially for smaller boards.Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). A probabilistic search method that balances exploration (trying new moves) and exploitation (focusing on good moves found so far) Othello application for Android devices, featuring a compelling single-player experience with an intelligent AI opponent. Develop an attractive and intuitive Othello app for Android, Implement a single-player mode with an AI opponent offering adjustable difficulty levels. Explore and evaluate various AI algorithms (Minimax, Alpha-Beta Pruning, Monte Carlo Tree Search) for effective AI decision-making.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Android Developement, Minimax Algorithm


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 1 at Presentation Slot 8

Location: GH049 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Simon Robinson

Course: MSc Data Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for an industry placement