Haritha Adepu (2341119) Haritha Adepu


Project Abstract

The deficiency of current solutions for school administration in terms of automation of administrative tasks, communication and community relations, calls for an innovative strategy to reduce to wasteful and unnecessary costs in the school management. Those regular cardboard systems frequently become hard and error-prone and the operations of schools have to suffer this. Taking into account this the project aimed to develop a robust and easily navigable web-based school administration system dedicated to the Django platform. Administrative accounts allow users the capability of organizing access the entire user base which becomes a key component in ensuring we protect sensitive data. Educators can track the enrollment of their students, monitor attendance, assign grades and check the latter via their teacher accounts, all within one platform. In addition, educators can also stay in touch with parents and communicate via the platform. The system relied on Django, an advanced PHP framework which has been proven for the highly scalable applications and has strong built-in defaults. Like attendance tracking or grade calculation, every student?��s progress is easily monitored, and human error in making such calculations is avoided when such processes are automatically performed by systems. In other words, the project has proven Django`s ability to produce a user-directed and in terms of efficiency school management system. Through assisting with tasks, centralizing documents and providing user-friendly interface, this system tool enables schools to have an effective tool to assist them in an operation to communicate better and finally create a more propitious learning environment

Keywords: Administrative accounts for organizing access to sensitive data, Robust and easily navigable web-based school administration system, Reliance on Django, an advanced PHP framework known for scalability and strong built-in defaults


 Conference Details


Session: Presentation Stream 1 at Presentation Slot 5

Location: GH049 at Tuesday 7th 13:30 – 17:00

Markers: Chen Hu (GTA), Simon Robinson

Course: MSc Computer Science, Masters PG

Future Plans: I’m looking for work